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Vico Magistretti

Vico Magistretti was born in Milan in 1920 and mastered at Politecnico in Milano in Architecture in 1945. He started working in the furniture field, showing a strong attitude in creativity and surprising insights characterized by the subtle balance between technicality and formality. He became one of the key players in product design. Magistretti believed that sobriety was not a lack of decoration, but of redundancy. Many of the items he designed are considered iconics and exhibited at MoMa in New York. For Montina he designed in 1971 the 909 chair. He was awarded with Compasso D'Oro award: in 1967 with the Eclisse lamp for Artemide, in 1979 with the Alto lamp and the Maralunga sofa chair and, eventuraly, in 1995 he received a Lifetime Achievement Award